D. Vladikova (IEES - BAS) coordinator of IMOOD
Prognosis for hydrogen research
Prof. K. Krezhov (INRNE-BAS)
Application of neutron scattering methods in material science
Prof. S. Rakovski
Preparation and structural characterization of nickel introduced into an anode ceramic matrix (Ni-cermet) for a solid oxide fuel cell
Prof. K. Krezhov (INRNE-BAS)
Structural study of BCY15 as a material in SOFC
Prof. T. Petkova (IEES - BAS)
New materials for inter-medium temperature fuel cells
Assoc. Prof. G. Raikova (IEES - BAS)
Calculation of fuel utilization factor in fuel cell operation
Prof. Z. Stoynov (IEES - BAS)
Application of Impedance Spectroscopy as an advanced method for the study of processes related to the mixed conductivity of ceramic fuel cell materials