Spreading the Word

The IMOOD team is focused on knowledge dissemination

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As a Partner of Industrial Cluster Electromobility, IEES took part in the MachTech & InnoTech EXPO (5 – 8. 04.2015) organized in Sofia INTER EXPO CENTER. The IMOOD project team had the opportunity to exhibit materials which presented the idea of the project, and informed about the European and Bulgarian efforts towards Low-Carbon Europe.

iCREATE childrens' workshops

The iCREATE childrens' workshops took place on May 24, 2015, the Bulgarian Education and Culture, and Slavonic Literature Day. Nearly one thousand children (ages 5-14) and parents participated together in the interactive workshops from early morning into the late afternoon. The chemistry-oriented workshops were set up around the scientific world of green energy – the energy that keeps the sky blue, the water green, the air – fresh, the prices – low.

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The seminar “Advanced methods for studying the processes of mixed conductivity” was held on 11 - 12 December 2015 in Sapareva Bania, Bulgaria. Different scientific research groups with interests in the IMOOD subject field took part. The IMOOD partners from IEES-BAS, IK-BAS and INRNE-BAS presented advanced techniques and methods applied in the study of the conductivity processes. The presentations were useful for PhD students interested in SOFCs.

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IMOOD supports education and sharing of information through open-source materials. The training course "Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy: Advancement and Application" was developed within the project and is available online.